Sunday, 16 September 2012

Suzhou Water and Garden Town

Visited Suzhou in June 2010 with the sister and had been wanting to return since then. So armed with train tickets on saturday (unfortunately sunday tickets) T and I headed to Hongqiao to catch the bullet train. So after exchanging the tickets for the correct day (its all part of the china experience) we reached Suzhou in less than half an hour at 300 km speeds on the G train.

Emerging from the newly built mega station, it had changed somewhat and seemed to be surrounded in motorways! Anyway we risked our lives on a motorcycle rickshaw and after a white knuckle ride were delivered bumpily at the 'Master of the Nets" garden
Suzhou was once a wealthy merchants town, built on the silk industry, and there were hundreds of gardens. Now there are 18 and it is a world heritage sight

The larger gardens are thronged with china tour groups, complete wtih blaring megaphones. The smaller more remote gardens are little peaceful gems

Looking through the windows..

Looking through the doors...

Great for picture framing

Its me..
oh its me again...
He had the same idea...

Just need to follow some simple instructions

and not so simple....
Blossom on aged branches set off against the white walls

Some beautiful painted screens...

And calligraphy...

Negotiated ourselves a more sedate form of transport to reach the Couples Retreat Garden and the Garden of Pleasance
I think we wore him out....

And then he wandered off so T took over

Last garden of the day The Lions Forest Garden. Not quite as busy as the large Humble Administrators but still pretty full on!

Known for the grotesque rocks, its become a bit of a theme park!

I love the names of the pavillions, the Hall of Distant Fragrance, the Watching Pines and Appreciating Paintings Studio, the Moon Comes with a Breeze Pavillion, the Beauty within Reach Tower.....

Here come the girls.....

Always time for a chat, or a picnic

Suzhou is the one of the water towns around Shanghai so plenty of 'gondolas' passing by

A well earned tea break and late lunch
 Watching them..
Watching us..

A peaceful scene and then chaos!
A duck on the loose

Swims to safety..

Mrs Mop washes the telegraph poles

We weren't the only ones looking for photo ops

Just time for a stroll and a little souvenier shopping along the treelined canal path

 Why do the old ladies always get the 'V' sign wrong??!!

next trip I'm hiring a bike

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