Friday 6 January 2012

Yunnan Oodles of Noodles

We like toast, juice and coffee for breakfast. We held out for a few days, struggling with oily layered breads, some processed cheese, oranges and instant ready mixed nescafes. Our guide introduced us to man tou, huge white steamed buns, which were just too much to chew first thing. So as our driver and guide slurped way over bowls of steaming noodles we began to wonder if it wasn't such a bad choice for breakfast after all!
And so by about day 5 we succumbed, and although ours hopefully had no meat and it was a vegetable soup, so not the full deal, it was delicious. When in Rome.....It was the best idea! We were converts. My favourite, in Shangri-La, cooked by the husband and then noodles added by the wife. Topped off with a fried egg.

Another noodle experience in Lijiang. A quick snack at a street cafe looked decidedly dubious. But venturing inside,and sitting at the shabby table, it was an amazing scene, almost performance art. Husband and wife team again, sharing the cooking. And so as the great vat steamed away, the prepared dough was picked up and with a large knife chopped and sliced into the broth.

Unfortunately our breakfast bravery ended in a bit of an argument when sister refused to eat her porridge in Shigu, at the market. Well it was kinda mauve, and gloopy, but with sugar was almost acceptable!

On any trip in a foreign country, strange food is always intriguing. So avoiding all the really obvious cliches of insects and intestines, here are some local delicacies. The grated potato baskets deep fried were delicious.

Answers on a postcard please.....

those sea through round balls???

beautiful and edible!

1 comment:

  1. Most things were edible...or more photogenic... but that 'porridge'...was not very well disguised wallpaper paste!
    Oh and what about those fried sprimp kebabs... the guide warned us away from them, until we bought some, then so did he! (for Y2 - 20p)
