Saturday 2 July 2011

June Catch Up- Visitors and a little bit of London

Its been a busy month with Fran, Tracey and Sarah visiting! Then back to the Uk for 10 days for work with full on meetings!
But some down time too- see little sis's blog on life in the country for more details.
written with great style and humour!
So nice to have some fresh air even if it did rain most of the time!

Some good nights out in London with the girls at no 5 Pollen St with the Gary Hume wallpaper....

..and at the Gilbert Scott in the newly restored St Pancras station..

The fabulously restored St Pancras hotel staircase

...and a spot of tennis at the first day Wimbledon. Got a reasonable  pic of Raffa with his top off!.

So June was full of going out to all the high spots in Shanghai, great bars and restaurants, showing the girls the best Shanghai has to offer. Much champers drunk and many cocktails!

ladies who lunch

Unfortunately had to keep working while friend Tracy cycled around the city on my bike, occasionally loosing her way and occasionally the bike, but adventures were had!
We did manage a spot of cycling in tandem though around Century Park! (well, actually fell off the tandem so rented this rickshaw instead..)
Century Park-some amazing topiary

Unbelievable-fields of flowers-can this be Shanghai??

A trip to Sanya, the only true beach resort in China, broke up the fortnight. An oasis of tropical gardens surrounding all the big hotels, with georgeous pools and a lovely long stretch of beach. Nothing to do outside the resorts though, which was just what was needed for a few days over Dragon Boat holiday.

Beaches are the same the world over, but not always with umbrellas..

but always cool boys..
And of course the perfect place for weddings, its all about the photo in china..

So nothing to do but relax and long walks on the beach..


  1. Glad to see you are mixing culture with a good dose of alcohol.
    No change there then x

  2. Just looked at you profile you need to add boozing and behaving badly next to art photograph x big love coming your way x
