Saturday, 21 April 2012

Out of China

After a six month stint and a chilly winter it was a relief to arrive back in sunny Britain. England was basking in an unusually warm spring, wonderful.
 butterflies and bees

Sister and I ate our way through Somerset and Dorset..

Cake and coffee at an artisan bakery in Sherborne

Fish and chips on the beach at Burton Bradstock

Good Friday seafood lunch at the Riverside in Westbay.

More fish and chips in Exeter at Michael Caines Cafe

Time for some exercise!

Managed to slot in a trip to Europe as friend and I popped over to Barcelona for a weekend for a 50th birthday party.

Stayed at the 'W'. Super stylish and urban with a view along the beach, hot and sunny, I felt like we were in LA for the weekend!

Popped over to Montjuic for coffee..

 by cable car

Great view of Barcelona spread out in the sunshine....
coffee on the terrace

Rose wine and sunday lunch by the pool


Oh and the party was fun too.